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Estampas flamencas. © Pablo Guidali

Estampas flamencas

First performed on 15 April 2021 by the Ballet Nacional de España, at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville (Spain).


  • Rubén Olmo
  • Miguel Ángel Corbacho

Rubén Olmo and Miguel Ángel Corbacho have created four pieces inspired by Antonio Ruiz Soler’s style, aesthetic and character. These choreographies run through the history of traditional flamenco, all the way from its origins, a progression that is reflected in both the costumes and the music. This journey through the song, dance and music of primordial flamenco passes through the flamenco palos that are often found in Antonio’s work: the zorongo, the martinete, the taranto and the caracoles. It follows the blueprint for set design that he used in his flamenco performances, but with more modern choreography.


Artistic sheet

         Martinete, traditional folk melody
         Zorongo, Enrique Bermúdez
         Taranto, Diego Losada
         Caracoles, Víctor Márquez
Lyrics: Federico García Lorca and popular verse
Set and audiovisual design: José Maldonado
Lighting: Felipe Ramos
Wardrobe: Shirt, Lopez de Santos and trousers González (Martinete); BNE wardrobe, dress train, Lina and male wardrobe production, González (Zorongo); Production, José Antonio Arroyo (Taranto); Dress trains, Justo Robles ‘Salao’ (Caracoles)
Footwear: Gallardo

