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© Fernando Marcos


First performed at Teatros del Canal on the 10th September 2022 by the Ballet Nacional de España.


  • Rubén Olmo

"In our collective imaginery, jacaranda is the tree that grows in many cities in Latin America. It is synonymous with the arrival of spring and its blossoms. It is an ornamental tree with tubular, blue-purple flowers, but also a symbol of femininity, beauty, essence, fragrance. Jacaranda is a sunset stroll, the dance of a woman. It is a symbiosis between the essences of nature and womanhood."
Rubén Olmo

Artistic sheet

Choreography: Rubén Olmo
Dance solo: Débora Martínez
Music: Suite de Danzas Criollas, Opus 15
by Alberto Ginastera
Live Piano: José Luis Franco
Lighting Design: Luis Perdiguero (AAI)
Wardrobe Design: Anselmo Gervolés
Repetiteurs: Diana Noriega and Miguel Ángel Corbacho
Wardrobe Production: Milagros González
Dyeing of fabrics: Marisa Echarri
Footwear: Gallardo