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© Merche Burgos

Jota "Aragón"

First perfomed on the 21st of December, 2023, Teatro de la Zarzuela (Madrid, Spain).


  • Pedro Azorín

This jota, premiered in 1975, is the most danced of the Spanish repertory. Salvador Ruiz de Luna composed the music, based on traditional aragonian music, in deep collaboration with the choreographer, Pedro Azorín. This is key to explain the impressive stage performance that has contributed to its popularity. Jota Aragón was premiered by the Ballet Nacional de España on the 21st of December, 2023, as a part of the 45º Anniversary Show, due to the declaration of jota as an Intangible Cultural Heritage representative element.

Jota Aragon workshop

Artistic sheet

Choreographer: Pedro Azorín
Music: Salvador Ruiz de Luna
Consultancy: Pilar Azorín
Repetiteur: Javier García