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© Pablo Guidali


First performed on 20 July 1953 by Antonio and his Ballet Español at the II Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada, in the Generalife Gardens. First performed by the Ballet Nacional de España on 11 June 1982 at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Seville (Spain).


  • Antonio Ruiz Soler

In 1952, the director Edgar Neville asked Antonio to prepare an original choreography for the film Duende y el misterio del flamenco (titled Duende in English). Not only did it feature the first ever dance routine set to a martinete, it also included a first (and shorter) version of the Sonatas, one of the most successful works of Soler Senior’s latter career. In this first version, it was already evident that his bolero influences broke with the tenets of the traditional school, from the dance steps to the arm motions, from the drumbeat to the Goyaesque aesthetic. The bolero school that Antonio presented within a palatial stage set, with infantas, courtesans and halberdiers, represents a combination of bolero and highly technical classical dance. A year later, for his Antonio Ballet Español company’s first programme, he included all eight sonatas in the suite, performed by the whole company of 35 dancers over the course of several scenes. This debut took place at the Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada, in the Generalife Gardens.


Artistic sheet

Music: Antonio Soler
Musical direction: Manuel Coves
Orchestra: varies according to venue
Orchestration: Juan José Solana (Orchestration
based on Ángel Currás’ version of the original
by Antonio Soler)
Original Set Design: Carlos Viudes
Arch Design: Daniel Bianco (Set on loan from
the Teatro Real de Madrid)
Floor Design: based on the original set design
by Carlos Viudes
Lighting: Felipe Ramos
Curtain projections: José Maldonado
Wardrobe: José Caballero y Vicente Viudes
Footwear: Sansha y Dansez-Vous
Lances: María Díaz
Revival choreography: Maribel Gallardo


Introduction: Sonata no. 2, in E flat major
1. Sonata no. 85, in F sharp major
2. Sonata no. 84, in D major
3. Sonata no. 86, in D major
4. Sonata no. 88, in D flat major
5. Sonata no. 90, in F sharp major
6. Sonata no. 2, in E flat major
7. Sonata no. 87, in G minor
8. Sonata no. 38, in G minor
9. Sonata no. 89, in E major
Curtain call. Sonata no. 90 in F sharp major