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Electra (© Jesús Robisco)


World premiere at the Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid, on 9 December 2017, by the Ballet Nacional de España.


  • Antonio Ruz
  • Olga Pericet

Why Electra? 

Whenever I face a new project I try to listen to my intuition and look for common points between its theme and my own creative world, my imagery, my roots. So, when I had the chance to put on Electra for the Ballet Nacional de España I pictured the story in rural, deepest Spain that has inspired and fascinated me since I was a child. Even though the plot is more than two thousand years away from us, its visceral feelings and beauty acted as a magnet that led me to our own popular, Spanish, Mediterranean culture. Attempting to return dance and choir to the place we believe they had in classical tragedies, as an element that unifies ideas and emotions, Electra, beyond styles or disciplines, is to me the continuation of the creative path I started as a choreographer years ago. Electra is a human and sensory experience in which movement, space, light, music, and voice are all part of a whole.  

Antonio Ruz 


Artistic sheet

Director and choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Choreography collaborator: Olga Pericet
Music: Pablo Martín Caminero, Moisés P. Sánchez   and Diego Losada
Dramaturgy and lyrics: Alberto Conejero
Stage Designer: Paco Azorín
Costume Designer: Rosa García Andujar
Lighting Designer: Olga García (A.A.I.)
Guest Artist: Sandra Carrasco
Special Collaboration: Antonio Najarro
Music recording: Manuel Coves, music director, Orquesta de la Comunicad de Madrid (ORCAM)
BNE flamenco musicians
Assistant Director: Lucia Bernardo
Props: Daniela Presta
Hairdressing: Pepe Juez
Make up: Roberto Siguero
Women’s Costume Maker: Milagros González
Men’s Costume Maker: Gabriel Besa
Props maker: Readest
Set makers: Mambo decorados, Esfumato, May. Servicios para el espectáculo, Natalia Vicente
Dyeing: Tinte Universal
Shoes: Gallardo


Prologue: Una fotografía de familia
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz and Olga Pericet (Alboreá)
Music: Pablo M. Caminero and Diego Losada (Alboreá)
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

First scene: Electra es una campesina
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: Moisés P. Sanchez

Second scene: El agua nada se lleva
Choreographer: Olga Pericet and Antonio Ruz
Music: Pablo M. Caminero
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

Third scene: La pesadilla de Clitemnestra
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: Pablo M. Caminero and Diego Losada (Petenera)
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

Fourth scene: Electra baila con la ausencia de su padre
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: Moisés P. Sanchez and Diego Losada (Temporera)
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

Fifth scene: La cacería de Aegisthus
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: Moisés P. Sanchez

Sixth scene: Ya soy Electra      
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz and Olga Pericet (Ayeos and fandango)
Music: Moisés P. Sanchez and Pablo M. Caminero (Ayeos and fandango)
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

Seventh scene: La muerte de Clitemnestra
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: Pablo M. Caminero
Lyrics: Alberto Conejero

Epilogue: Electra se llama la novia
Choreographer: Antonio Ruz
Music: popular